Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Can it really be...spring?

April 21

Strength Training:

StrongFirst Mobility Drills
Kettlebell Swings: 5 x 10 left/5 x 10 right with 40 kg bell
Double KB Complex: (Clean, Squat, Press x5/Clean, Squat, Press x 3/Clean, Squat, Press x 2) x 5 with 18 kg bells
Ab Work: Ab Wheel, 2 x 10

Skill Training:
Bagwork: :30 work, :30 shadowbox for recovery

My son has been honing his photo skills on Forest. He's pretty good at catching expressions and action; today he caught Forest mid-sneeze:)

April 22

Strength Training:

StrongFirst Mobility Drills
TGU: 5 left, 5 right with 24 kg kettlebell
Bodyweight Ladders: 5,4,3,2,1 of OneArm OneLeg PushUp (left and right), Pull Ups and Pistols (left and right)
Ab Work: Hanging Leg Raise, 1 x10; Windshield Wipers, 1 x 10; Front Levers, 1 x 5

Skill Training:

Bagwork: 30 minutes no rest
Sparring: 8 x 4 minute rounds

Forest got a new toy today. I don't usually buy I'm stuffed toys, as he wrecks them pretty quickly. But I subscribed to Bark Box -- they send a variety of toys and treats each month and part of the money goes to the animal-related charity of your choice. I supported the  The Wolf Center in Westchester NY -- one of our long-time students works with them as a handler/educator. Anyway, Forest got an owl -- and made short work of it. About 2 minutes worth:)

April 23

Strength Training:

StrongFirst Mobility Drills
Kettlebell Swings: 5 x 10 left/5 x 10 right with 40 kg bell
Double KB Complex: (Clean, Squat x 5, Press/Clean, Squat x 3, Press/Clean, Squat x 2, Press) x 5 with 20 kg bells
Ab Work: Ab Wheel, 2 x 10

Skill Training:

Bagwork: 30 minutes, 1 minute of all techniques alternating with 1 minute of repeating individual technique.

April 24

Strength Training:

StrongFirst Mobility Drills
TGU: 5 left, 5 right with 24 kg kettlebell
Bodyweight : 3 x 5 of OneArm OneLeg PushUp (left and right), Pull Ups and Pistols (left and right)
Ab Work: Hanging Leg Raise, 1 x10; Windshield Wipers, 1 x 10; Front Levers, 1 x 5

Skill Training:

Skip Rope: 10 minutes
Bagwork: 20 minutes of knee strike variations

Craving extra green lately now that's it finally spring: lots of kale, basil and guacamole in my dishes. Pretty damn tasty!

April 25

Strength Training:

StrongFirst Mobility Drills
Kettlebell Swings: 5 x 10 left/5 x 10 right with 40 kg bell
Double KB Complex: (Clean x 5, Squat, Press/Clean x 3, Squat, Press/Clean x 2, Squat, Press) x 5 with 22 kg bells
Ab Work: Ab Wheel, 2 x 10

Skill Training:

Partner Pad Drills: 4 x 4 minute rounds
Partner bag Drills: 6 x 4 minute rounds
Sparring: 6 x 4 minute rounds

April 26

Strength Training:

Kettlebell Complex: Snatch and Bent Press (20 l/r with 18 kg bell; 15 l/r with 20 kg bell; 10 l/r with 24 kg bell; 5 l/r with 28 kg bell)
Ab Work: decline sit ups with alternating elbow strike x 50

Skill Training:

Bagwork: partner drills for 30 minutes

A beautiful day...and classes are packed:) And one of my students who I've been training for almost 15 years is 37 weeks pregnant with her second child -- and STILL made it to class.

April 27

An unbelievably beautiful morning, and the sun was actually up when Forest and I went to the park.

Felt really good this morning, so when I got back from the woods with Forest I did 30 minutes of alternating rope skipping and indian clubs. Perfect way to move a bit to aid in recovery, as opposed to working myself more.

Then my son and I did a backyard project, refinishing a pair of old cast-iron park benches. A very good day.

1 comment:

  1. I love these pictures! Would you ever consider posting recipes? That would make me more inclined to eat green food if I know how to make it. I'm glad to see both Forest and your son staying busy and doing well.
